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  • Demystifying the E in STEM

    Demystifying the E in STEM
    Our new guide to engineering majors helps you understand the similarities and differences between them and how to choose among different engineering majors and college ...
  • Mathematics: pure vs. applied math

    Mathematics: pure vs. applied math
    Can you be in STEM without math? Math is the foundation of all STEM education. There – that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. But ...
  • Technology and High Tech

    Technology and High Tech
    Technology can refer to both the tools we use, and the skills and knowledge used to create them; because of that duality, it is possible ...
  • Finding a STEM college

    Finding a STEM college
    An easy icebreaker when talking about STEM college education is to ask “What are the best colleges for ____ majors?” The key to answering that ...
  • Chemical Engineering – Isn’t That Just Chemistry?

    Chemical Engineering - Isn't That Just Chemistry?
    So, you took freshman chemistry. Then organic chemistry. And AP chemistry. Along the way you discovered you really enjoy being in the lab, weighing and ...
  • Critical Thinking Skills for STEM Majors (and Careers)

    Critical Thinking Skills for STEM Majors (and Careers)
    When I hear students discussing college admissions for liberal arts degrees, and what they would learn, I often hear the term ‘critical thinking skills’. Well, ...
  • What is engineering?

    What is engineering?
    When I hear a parent talk about their student going into engineering, my first question is ‘what branch of engineering interests them?’ which often results ...
  • Need Help Organizing?

    Need Help Organizing?
    Need Help Organizing?
  • Which Early Admission Program Is The Right One?

    Which Early Admission Program Is The Right One?
    Colleges use all sorts of early admission schemes that will dictate when you submit your application and when you receive your decision. Consider these early ...
  • 7 Ways to Show Colleges the Love

    7 Ways to Show Colleges the Love
    When it comes to the college admissions process, it’s important to demonstrate your interest to specific colleges on your list. With so many kids applying ...
Engineering at the Ivies

Engineering at the Ivies

So, you want to study engineering at an Ivy League college? Calling all students interested in pursuing an engineering degree and are looking at the Ivy League as potentially good fits. Download this 60-page handbook which includes 8 Chapters - Covering in detail each...

Is the Reserve Officer Training Corps Right For You? (Part 2)

Is the Reserve Officer Training Corps Right For You? (Part 2)

The History and Current Structure of the Reserve Officer Training Program Welcome to the second installment of our blog series exploring the Reserve Officer Training Corp (ROTC) program. In the first installment, we learned what the ROTC is and what questions you...

Is the Reserve Officer Training Corps Right For You? (Part 1)

Is the Reserve Officer Training Corps Right For You? (Part 1)

ROTC – What is it, exactly? ROTC is short for Reserve Officer Training Corps, which is a program of the US Army, Navy, and Air Force designed to train future military officers while they are attending college; Navy ROTC includes the Marine Corps option. These programs...

Showcasing Non-Academic Factors In Your College Application

Showcasing Non-Academic Factors In Your College Application

Crafting a successful college application is perhaps the most intimidating challenge you’ve ever taken on, especially if you’re not at the tippy top of your class and you need to demonstrate all of the ways you shine that cannot be measured by statistics and grades....

Planning for Your Teacher Letters of Recommendation

Planning for Your Teacher Letters of Recommendation

Teacher Letters of Recommendation (LOR’s) play a key role in college admissions, so try to ensure they’re consistent with the rest of your application and your admissions strategy. A good rec letter should be personal, written by a teacher that has known you and...

How To Write An Inspired College Essay

How To Write An Inspired College Essay

Your college essay. It’s a big part of your college application and the biggest opportunity to demonstrate your “je ne sais quoi,” that distinctive, irresistible quality that makes you a valuable asset to admissions reps. If you have a less-than-perfect GPA or test...

How Many Colleges Should You Apply To?

How Many Colleges Should You Apply To?

Most students and their families understand the importance of fit.  Now, you are tasked with applying these factors towards making your college list. It’s time to make some big decisions, decide on your “deal breakers” and apply to the schools that fit your unique...

Ten Exciting Careers for STEM Students to Explore

Ten Exciting Careers for STEM Students to Explore

What exactly does a STEM career look like? Peruse this list of ten exciting professions open to STEM students in pursuit of interesting, exciting, and rewarding careers. To help you on your way, we’ve listed a few universities that provide education and research leading to each career!

The Advantages of a College Consortium

The Advantages of a College Consortium

What exactly is a college consortium and is it right for you? There are many advantages to choosing a college consortium. Allow us to explain the ins and outs of college consortium and profile 5 of the most notable!

Don’t Let a Magazine Choose Your College

Don’t Let a Magazine Choose Your College

There are many factors that you should consider when choosing the colleges and universities to send applications. Make sure the colleges on your list aren’t chosen based on rankings, but rather by how well they align with your goals and needs. Read more!